Supplier Code of Conduct

1. Summary

Ipsos is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, national and international conventions, and best practices with regards to ethics, social responsibility, and protection of the environment, including in particular the fight against climate change.

Ipsos expects its suppliers to comply with applicable laws and the ethical practices and principles that are contained in this Supplier Code of Conduct (this “Code”). Ipsos requires its suppliers to adhere to (1) this Code, (2) the principles stipulated in the Conventions of the International Labour Organization, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the United Nations Global Compact, and (3) the Duty of Care obligations set out in the French Law N° 2017-339 as of today and as updated from time to time. Each supplier is also responsible for ensuring that its own, personnel, agents, subcontractors and consultants (collectively referred to as “Supplier(s)”) do the same, thus passing on these standards along their own supply chain”.

When national legislation or other applicable regulations address the same issue as this Code, the highest standards or most restrictive provisions shall apply.

Supplier acknowledges that the provisions of this Code are in addition to, and not in lieu of, the provisions of any legal agreement or contract between a Supplier and an Ipsos entity.

If this Code is violated by a Supplier, Ipsos reserves the right to review the business relationship with such Supplier and possibly terminate such relationship, without prejudice to Ipsos’ other rights and remedies. This is true even if there are no written arrangement or undertaking or contracts between Ipsos and the Supplier.

The agreements with the Supplier shall contain the required provisions to ensure that a Supplier complies with this Code.

  • Supplier warrants and represents that Supplier and its Subcontractors will comply with this Code attached to the relevant agreement,

  • Ipsos can terminate the agreement with Supplier in case of any breach of Supplier or its Subcontractors of this Code.

If not, each Supplier should sign, date and acknowledge that Supplier had received, read, and agree to comply with the Code.

2. Ipsos’commitmentstoitssuppliers

  1. Ensure a fair selection

    Ipsos will ensure fair competition and a fair selection process for Suppliers. It generally aims to have a diverse set of suppliers, reflecting the diversity of businesses and of the population of the countries where they operate, as long as they meet Ipsos’ business needs.

  2. Guarantee of fair financial treatment

    Ipsos pays its Suppliers in accordance with all legal obligations, and in compliance with any applicable rules and regulations.

  3. Reduce the risk of mutual dependence

    Ipsos seeks to avoid technical monopolies and to reduce the risk of mutual dependence in its relationships with its Suppliers. Accordingly, Ipsos makes every effort to diversify its sources of supply and require our Suppliers to commit to doing the same.

  4. Adopt a common corporate social responsibility approach with supplier

    Ipsos strongly prefers to work with Suppliers who have adopted a similar approach to its own in terms of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) commitment and Corporate Social Responsibility, particularly those who have taken concrete steps to reduce their environmental impact (carbon emissions, consumption of water, energy, raw materials) and improve society (the working conditions of employees, diversity within their company, the consequences of their activity on society in general).

3. CommitmentsfromIpsossuppliers

  1. Labor standards and social responsibility

    This Code outlines the values that both individual employees and the collective body at Ipsos should adhere to. Ipsos firmly believes that the key to its growth lies in the trust and respect that exists between Ipsos and its employees, as well as among the employees themselves and all Ipsos’ suppliers Ipsos is working with. It is the responsibility of each Ipsos’ suppliers to ensure that they follow this Code in their daily tasks.

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    Ipsos requires its Suppliers to exhibit exemplary social responsibility in their conduct:

    • Prohibition of child labor: Work by children under the age of 16 is strictly prohibited, even if permitted by law. In countries where local laws set a higher minimum age for child labor, the higher age is applicable.

    • Prohibition of forced labor: Any use of forced labor, slavery, servitude or trafficking in human beings by our Suppliers, as well as withholding identification documents or work permits, is strictly prohibited.

    • Prohibition of illegal, clandestine and undeclared employment: Our Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable regulations to prevent illegal, clandestine and undeclared employment.

    • Fair pay: We expect our Suppliers to pay their employees a fair wage that allows them to live decently.

    • Decent working conditions for employees: We expect our suppliers to guarantee decent working conditions for their employees, including appropriate working time.

    • Prohibition of harassment and abuse: We expect our Suppliers to treat their workers with respect and dignity.

    • Prohibition of discrimination: We expect our Suppliers to treat all workers equally and fairly. Our Suppliers may not engage in any kind of discrimination – in particular, with regards to wages, hiring, access to training, promotion, maternity protection and dismissal – based on sex, race or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, gender identity or social background.

    • Freedom of association: We require our Suppliers to respect and recognize the right of workers to negotiate collectively, and to create or join labor organizations of their choice, without any sanction, discrimination or harassment.

    • Ensuring health and safety: Our Suppliers are expected to provide their workers with a safe and healthy workplace environment in order to avoid accidents or bodily injuries which may be caused by, related to, or result from their work, including during the operation of equipment or during work‐related travel.

  2. Environmental regulations and protection

    Ipsos encourages concrete measures to protect the environment, including cooperation with its Suppliers to ensure application of best practices throughout the supply chain.

    Ipsos encourages initiatives by its Suppliers to reduce their environmental impact, notably through the use of “green” technologies.

    In particular, Ipsos expects its suppliers to work on reducing their carbon emissions, ideally by taking a pledge to reaching Net Zero by 2050 and joining one of the different recognized schemes and initiatives in this field – like the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

    Ipsos requires its Suppliers to respect local and international environmental regulations and standards.

    Ipsos’ Suppliers are expected to make regular improvements in the environmental performance of their sites and production resources, in particular through proper waste management; elimination of air, water and soil pollution; appropriate handling and disposal of any hazardous chemicals and any other dangerous or polluting material they may use; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with an emphasis on use of renewable energy, and a reduction of water and energy consumption.

  3. Business integrity requirements

    Ipsos requires its Suppliers to conduct their business activities with exemplary integrity:

    • Legal requirements: We expect our Suppliers to conduct their business in full compliance with local, national and international laws. In particular, we expect them to comply with tax legislations applicable to them, as well as with export controls and economic sanctions as applicable.

    • Financial integrity: Accurate and reliable financial and business records are of critical importance in meeting Ipsos’ financial, legal, and business obligations. Suppliers should not have any false or inaccurate entries in the accounting books or records related to Ipsos for any reason. Suppliers’ business records must be retained in accordance with record retention policies and all applicable laws and regulations.

    • Prohibition of all forms of corruption: We expect our Suppliers to respect all applicable laws concerning corruption, extortion, and bribery and to take appropriate measures to prevent, detect and sanction the foregoing.

    • Prevention of conflicts of interest: We require our Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws concerning conflicts of interest and to make every effort to prevent situations that may create a conflict or appearance of conflict of interest within the scope of their business relationship with Ipsos.

    • Prohibition of money‐laundering: Money‐laundering can occur where an action is taken to mask the true origin of money or assets that are connected to criminal activity. We require our Suppliers to commit to taking all appropriate measures to prevent their operations from being used as vehicles for money‐laundering.

    • Respect of anti-trust and competition: Our Suppliers must comply with all applicable anti-trust and competition laws. This includes prohibiting abuse of a dominant market position, not engaging in concerted practices and not entering unlawful agreements with competitors. Antitrust or competition laws may differ from country to country, but generally prohibit actions that unreasonably restrain trade or reduce competition.

    • Protection of personal information: We require our Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

  4. Business ethics requirements

    • Gifts and invitations: Gifts or invitations may be considered acceptable expressions of courtesy within the context of good business relations if:

      • Limited in scope and value;

      • Given openly and transparently;

      • Permitted under applicable local law;

      • Customary in the location in which they would be given

      • Provided to reflect esteem or gratitude; and

      • Not offered with an expectation that something will be offered in return.

    In some cases, these practices might be subject to anticorruption regulations or other legal requirements, making it essential to be aware of such rules and to fully comply with them.

    • Information transparency: Our Suppliers are required to provide clear and accurate information regarding the methods and resources used, production sites and characteristics of the products or services supplied, and to refrain from making any misleading claims.

  5. Inspection and Audit

    • Inspection: We reserve the right to confirm compliance with these principles and to conduct compliance audits, whether in-person or virtual, of our Suppliers. Our Suppliers must provide all necessary information and facilitate access by representatives of Ipsos seeking to verify compliance with the requirements of this Code. Suppliers must commit to promptly improving or correcting, at its own costs, any deficiencies identified during an audit.

    • Accurate books and records and access to information: Our Suppliers are required to keep proper accurate and transparent books and records to demonstrate compliance with this Code. They must provide our representatives with access to these books and records.

  6. Reporting and non-compliance with this code

    Suppliers are responsible for prompt reporting of actual or suspected violations of applicable law and this Code. This includes violations by any worker or agent or subcontractor acting on behalf of the Supplier. Supplier may report a violation via e-mail using the following address: Supplier_Compliance_& A Supplier’s failure to comply with or rectify (within the time period specified by Ipsos), any provision of this Code may result in the termination of any contracts or relationships with such Supplier.

    If a Supplier is unable to meet any of this Code’s requirements, it should immediately notify Ipsos and submit a corrective action plan to correct the identified deficiencies. Ipsos reserves the right to accept or reject this action plan based upon the appropriateness of the measures and compliance deadlines proposed by the Supplier.